
Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy is the application of hands-on techniques to body tissues with intent to therapeutically asses and treat.  Through proper assessment and treatment of the involved body structures, a physical therapist utilizes different manual therapy techniques as joint mobilization, massage, reflexology, myofacial release, and strain constrain technique in order to reduce pain and tissue tension as well as to enhance the healing process and improve overall wellbeing of the patient. 

Joint mobilization

Joint mobilization is a hands-on treatment on restricted joints of the body.  Passive movement technique is applied to involved joint resulting in loosening of contracted structures in the joint and in increase of joint motion and mobility of the entire body part. Typical target ailments: joint contractures, post- surgical rehabilitation, athletic injuries, faulty posture  and other conditions related to tight and restricted ligaments and tendonts in the joint.


Massage is soft tissue mobilization aimed to reduce muscle tension and spasm while promoting relaxation of the muscle, it’s flexibility and reduction of pain. Typical target ailments: muscle sprain and spasms, injury and stress related tensions and fatigues, sleep disorders and depression, different neurological conditions.


Reflexology is the gentle stimulation of the reflex points on the feet that relates to specific organs and glands in the body. Stimulating those points with finger pressure promotes health in those organs via body’s energetic pathways. Typical target ailments: gout, osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, different foot pains and conditions.

Myofacial Release

Myofacial Release is the repeated application of pressure on the same trigger point or other trigger points on rigid and tight tissues until relaxation of this area is fully reached. Typical target ailments: myofacial pain syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, migraine, overuse syndromes.

Strain Constrain

Strain Constrain This technique focuses on correcting abnormal and overactive neuromuscular reflexes that cause buildup of waste in soft tissue resulting in sore muscle and painful ‘tenderpoints’. Physical therapist positions this involve body part in a shortened and comfortable position, thus encouraging the muscle to naturally relax. Once the ideal length for relaxation is reached, the therapist manually applies gentle to moderate pressure to the trigger point for at least 90 seconds resulting in immediate pain alleviation.  Typical target ailments: overused syndrome, tight muscle, post injury rehabilitation, athletic injuries